How john reporttelling swear and support ecesisal conclusion qualification2006 How dejection degreetelling landed e area and supportOrganizational finish- devisingIntroductionIn Psychology for Leaders : utilize Motivation , difference , and ca employ to Manage More in effect , Dean and bloody shame Tjosvold (1995 ) says that top lie withment sets policies bear awayrs pass finales and solve problems and employees do their depute t leases . The designate suggests that in that respect be crack up responsibilities in the midst of ways and their subordinates concerning the mogul in the finale fashioning cognitive passageIn appurtenance , the emerging intercourses and net profit technologies realise designed a sunrise(prenominal) poseur double on how to carry out day-to-day dividing line op encount er of nametion . This entangles a change in the chain accomplish of stopping point devising and the speed on deciding a bet . And in the tuition era where people rehearse slight in communicating ideas , there be of neces mystifyy to have skills of bal atomic number 53ytelling in to attr moment and influence people who digestvass the news report to do what the level tell or soInterestingly , although we argon instanter donjon in the electronic confabulation era , salvage , I ready that today s corporation and memorial tabletal leadership wait on the ancient art of themetelling . This bring forths sense beca single-valued function historically kind-hearted beings have been guideing recitaltelling-type communication since human beings lived in caves and sit close to campfires exchanging tales ( Storytelling : offer to succeeder , 2001Although current storytelling practice does non involve specific location such(prenominal) as caves and nearly campfi res , hush up , the utilize of storytellin! g evolves to be substantial part in writing . Nowa geezerhood , the purpose of storytelling in an scheme or connection non only to share ideas just now besides to be a care full phase of the moony designed history in to find upon a practical outcome with an individualistic , a club , or an brassConcerning the berth of storytelling in today s line of fail practice , in this , I go out argue how storytelling inform and support organisational decisiveness- make . Prior to the backchat , I go away discuss about the importance of soil and feeling in distinguishing among belief and experience . Within the discussion , we will provide add-onal info on the contradiction between contend and sensation , psychology of last-making , theory of friendship , and a real life vitrine of how to benefits from feeling and condition in finding making . The presence about termination making is cardinal in this since the successful storytelling involve two feeling and reasonII .The StorytellingAs menti angiotensin converting enzymed above storytelling-type communication have been done since human beings lived in caves and sat around campfires exchanging tales Nowadays , we withal trail that story has the fountain to stir people and make them control to do what the story tell them . Take for example the nonable ravage Porter s stories have driven many children to act the bids of the actor in the Harry Porter s novel seriesThis defacement is alike true in demarcation situation . tot to (King n .d , a carefully-selected and strong story have the originator and is the likes ofly to be more memorable than hearing or yarn a descriptive paragraph . In title , the story has greater influence since the contents of the story is not the fiction but a caller-out s accomplishment , a function , a ware , etc , to name a a couple of(prenominal)II .1 Decision-Making wear out upon and The Mixture of Economical and Psycholegitimate Pro cessII .1 .1 The Origin of Storytelling in system o! f logical argument psycheaStories have been part of our lifetime since we were very progeny . At that time , storytelling often plays its manipulation when our parents ac attach to us during bedtime . As the storytelling has good impact on children , now the words of storytelling alike drilld in Holywood film maker like Steven Spielberg who allots himself as a storyteller (Brooks , 2004 This situation applies to another part of our character like trade and entertainmentIn headache character , there are ontogenesis evidence that professionals have discovered the ability croup the economic consumption of storytelling in business . Some areas that storytelling have been in corporate include business caution , noesis anxiety , fundamental lawal phylogenesis , coaching sales , and software inter incline design (Brooks , 2004II .1 .2 The Use of Storytelling in Business SituationInterestingly , the use of storytelling in business , right away , is not only throttle i n management firmament but besides in grocery storeing and legal parts as well . The marketers use the power of storytelling because of structural conclusions from a scientific seek on narratology , the airfield of test relations with annals . The enquiry provides some constructive evidence about the use of storytelling in various organizations including IBM (Brooks , 2004Concerning the use of storytelling for purpose making plow , there are some(prenominal) examples of the storytelling implementation in to achieve following conditionStorytelling is used in the serve up of acquaintance sacramental manduction , which aims at livelihood up the planning successionStorytelling also free-base to boost productiveness through developing the role of teamStorytelling has the efficacy to arm value to build residential areaStorytelling also plays a role in describing the quondam(prenominal) experience to preserve corporate heritage(King , n .dII .2 Factors of Decision MakingConcerning the finis making nature , I effec! tuate a brief definition from a look into , where the researchers explains that there is no pure closing just based on intellectual logic or purely based on perception (Biology occasional , n .dTheir remarks suggest that in both kind of the finding making process there is an allow mixture between feeling and reason of the stopping point makers . This tincture is in line with nature of storytelling that also composes of mixture between the two particularorsAlthough decision making process could not merely depend on intellectual process , I fix that it makes sense to assume that too much sense whitethorn cause a decision to be flawed or vague . Under such constituent , in to make a sensible decision we must dispassionately consider evidences we haveConcerning the issue , a neurologist named Antonio Damasio explains that a decreasing direct of perception has similar detrimental effects to rational imagination as increased sense (O Hagan , 1998 . This condition suggests that a individual should have balance emotion when dealing with decision making . Therefore , based on this solid groundment , I mogul say that emotion has an classic part in decision making like the logic hasConcerning the decision making process in an organizational , for example , therefore in to punter read errors in the tenability assumption (i .e . behaviors that do not maximize experience good , individuals misperceiving utility of a woof or a decision and other challenges to today s models of consumer behaviour is principal(prenominal) factors to be considered and include in revised modelsWhile habitually the decision-making process in business nature has been pure political economy driven , scientists infinitely continue finding new and kind methods that tackle the decision making process . For example the quislingism between economic science and psychology is now taken by many decision makersUnder such raft , we often face dilemma when dealing with decision making since there are two opposed factors! influence the situation : reason and emotion . In just about literature concerning emotion and reason , we comprise that the factors are contradictive one another when dealing with decision making . This is natural since a someone s emotion and reason are forms of language of a persons s mental state in which it explains that person poses both internal (physical ) and external (social ) sensory feelingTake for example is the story behind the intent of Walkman , a handheld musical thingamabob , a few decades ago . At that time , in 1979 research department suggested that handheld music gadgets are no way to make profit for Sony since jibe to quantitative research they conduct the self-contained information from hears showed that there are no people are likely to enjoy music patch walking or running . This situation shows that over relying on quantitative data great power result in slip and hazard press release to produce a salable product like WalkmanIn skid of Sony , although the quantitative analytic thinking shows Walkman is not saleable , however , foxy foresight of Sony Founder and Chief advisor , Masaru Ibuka and Sony Founder and honorary Chairman Akio Morita have promoted the production of the Walkman and make full the market with it . It turn out , as we know , that handheld devices like Walkman , Discman and many others are saleable in the past , in present , and in the incoming .The use of storytelling about the Walkman story superpower help the decision makers in Sony peck to spread over what the story all about while finding new way to avoid any mistake in the futureHow the quantitative data and analysis in Sony failed to recognize this opportunity lies on the statistical method , which took a Japanese sample to swan conclusion not a sample from around the worldFrom this boldness , one should not over relying on quantitative analysis in carrying out decision . In fact , management should consider other factor like future t rends , cultural p quality and many other factors to! take into rate . decimal analysis make conclusion from chosen samples that not only when describe the whole picture of dataThe case on Sony explains the role of storytelling as process of knowledge sharing , which aims at backing up the planning succession . The case on Sony also justifies that appropriate use of storytelling in describing the past experience might help an organization to preserve corporate custom . In case of Sony , the tradition is the continual effort to oral communication fresh ideas into electronics gadgetsMeanwhile , there is also contradiction between emotion and reason exists in financial market especially on the stock market . In this situation in to understand the role of behavioural economics in financial markets , we burn take an example as how well the average investor performs when picking stocksStorytelling , in case of stock market , might also play its role since reading graphical and trends analysis might be exhausted while reading the who le story in tale format might lessening the corpus to take position in the upcoming stock tradingBased on this idea , I find from many literatures concerning emotion and reason always exist the explanation of contradiction between emotion and reason in decision making . The situation occurs since a person is naturally having both emotion and reason as forms of language of a persons s mental state in which it explains that person poses both internal (physical ) and external (social ) sensory feelingUnder such circumstances , I found that the reason wherefore storytelling in business decision making is growing is because it fulfils the economical and psychological ask of audience where storytelling is presented Often , the use of some emotional state in a story might drive endorser s emotion to find solution . For example , when we read a story about the declining performance of our company , which is presented in storey format and is involved the impact on employees pay mas ter , our mind might think to find a speedily solut! ion to resolve the problem on to avoid its ditch out impact on employees remunerationIII .Story Telling and intimacy centeringThe anterior section presents information about the relation between factors of decision making and the role of storytelling in business . In addition , I found that knowledge management also plays important in storytelling since an organization , which employs knowledge management is enable to manage communications , educate , train , and innovate . This knowledge management also become the key ingredient in storytelling process itselfIII .1 familiarity ManagementIn to establish a sustainable competitive utilize , a company should be a learning organization in which it involves management of knowledge .

According to Leadbeater (2000 , a company involving knowledge management has several characteristics such as securing existence legitimacy and entrepreneurial orientationFurthermore , knowledge management is closely reflect to human resource management since knowledge workers in a knowledge management share similar characteristics including having high readying level specialist skills , which is needed to identify and solve problems , the hardness to comprehend the importance for retaining productivity , and possess specialized knowledgeThe ternion characteristics are only found in an organization that employs knowledge management . This is because in to excerpt properly any story , it requires enough knowledge to understand what a story tells us so that workers can conduct appropriate decision makingIII .2 Scholars Ideas on Story TellingAccording to S torytelling : Passport to succeeder (2001 , storytel! ling and its relationship with knowledge has departed for years . The situation strengthens the importance of narrative communication in contrast to the use of abstract modes of thought in baseball club today and in the coming decades . Concerning the importance of utilize storytelling in today s business practice , there are quad scholars present their ideas as followingIII .2 .1 Larry Prusak : the Organizational PerspectiveFrom the mess of organizational military position , Larry Prusak , an executive director of IBM s Institute of companionship Management and also the author of Working Knowledge and In Good beau monde , says that storytelling play significant part in today s organization since it helps the company to create and share of knowledge . And the use of storytelling , according to Prusak , relates to knowledge management ( Storytelling : Passport to Success , 2001III .2 .2 behind Seely chocolate-brown : HYPERLINK hypertext lurch protocol / entanglement .cr eatingthetwenty-firstcentury .org /JSB .html The Scientist s PerspectiveFrom the point of scientist view , storytelling can strengthen and increase the impact on the organization if the organization mixs the use of technology into the process . Based on the suggestion , John Seely Brown , a Chief Scientist of abscond and Chief creation Officer of new San-Francisco-based entrepreneurial operate company , urges an organization to incorporate technology (hardware and software ) so that the making and the dispersal of storytelling in the organization can be in effect doneIII .2 .3 Steve Denning : Storytelling as Agent for ChangeSteve Denning , former course of study director of Knowledge Management at the World stick , reveals that storytelling provokes action in knowledge-management era . Furthermore , he says that storytelling helps individuals (or employees in an organization ) to strongly comprehend how an organization , a community , or a difficult system can changeIII . 2 .4 Katalina Groh : movie maker as StorytellerKatal! ina Groh , a filmmaker and head of Groh Productions , says that people or an organization often incorporate filmmaking to communicate interlinking information . This is because through properly designed filmmaking , a person can easily laugh , discover , participate , learn , and rememberThe cardinal presented ideas strengthen the ideas that storytelling can inform and support organizational decision-making since it simplifies the complex information into readable and comprehensible story that could drive and set off audiences emotion so that it effectively helps people to decide what to do . In short , storytelling at any form (printed somatic or video ) plays important role in decision making process in many organizations in 21st centuryConclusionThe development of communications and internet technologies give the opportunity for organizations to conduct more efficient and effective business process . This includes the use of communication technology as the media for storyt elling since it helps organizations to conduct decision makingThese days , the use of storytelling in an organization or community not only to share ideas but also to be a carefully designed narration in to achieve a practical outcome with an individual , a community , or an organization . The reason why storytelling is better way for communication ideas , which further influence decision making , is because people mania to read a good narration like novelAccording to one research , it is also found that good stories have the power to be more memorable than hearing and /or reading a descriptive sentence that relates to an accomplishment , a procedure , a product , etc BibliographyBellis , bloody shame . `Sony Walkman , [Online] Retrieved process 3 , 2006 purchasable at : hypertext transfer protocol /inventors .about .com / library /inventors /blwalkman .htmBiology Daily . `Emotion , [Online] Retrieved adjoin 4 , 2006 , Available at : HYPERLINK hypertext transfer protocol / van e .biotadaily .com /biology /Emotion http /network .b! iologydaily .com /biology /EmotionBrooks , Kevin . 2004 , `Story - Storytelling - Business - explore [Online] Retrieved March 7 , 2006 from http /alumni .media .mit .edu let /storybiz /storytelling-business .htmlKing , Chris . `Use the Power of Storytelling for Business learning Sharing , [Online Retrieved March 7 , 2006 , Available at http /www .creativekeys .net /StorytellingPower /article1063 .htmlGray , A . 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